Gigahatch. Software. Simplified.

Pre­mi­um Soft­ware for
your SME.


Why Gi­ga­hatch?

The Team at Gi­ga­hatch has long-stand­ing ex­pe­ri­ence in de­vel­op­ing cus­tom soft­ware for small and medi­um-sized en­ter­pris­es. We al­ways work fo­cus­ing on what the cus­tomer need and our high­est pri­or­i­ty is al­ways de­liv­er­ing as much busi­ness val­ue as pos­si­ble.

Our price-per­for­mance ra­tio is un­beat­able and it is our mis­sion to be able to serve ex­act­ly those com­pa­nies which, due to cost con­straints, have been left be­hind by the dig­i­tal­iza­tion of the econ­o­my. We achieve this by con­se­quent­ly choos­ing the most ef­fi­cient tech­nol­o­gy for the job and by do­ing de­vel­op­ment work in for­eign coun­tries when­ev­er pos­si­ble.

De­spite this com­mit­ment to low­er­ing our costs, soft­ware qual­i­ty is of ut­most im­por­tance to us, be­cause only soft­ware that works ac­tu­al­ly de­liv­ers any val­ue. This is why we fix all er­rors and bugs in our soft­ware at our own cost.

Ser­vices we of­fer

Web Ap­pli­ca­tions

Web Ap­pli­ca­tions

De­vel­op­ment of cus­tomized web ap­pli­ca­tions for in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal use


In­te­gra­tion of stan­dard soft­ware prod­ucts into your ex­ist­ing soft­ware land­scape


Sup­port, user train­ing and bug fix­ing






Who are we?

Gi­ga­hatch was found­ed by 3 for­mer school­mates wo are all pas­sion­ate about de­vel­op­ing soft­ware and gen­er­at­ing real val­ue for cus­tomers. It is our vi­sion to en­able small­er Swiss com­pa­nies to be able to af­ford high-qual­i­ty soft­ware.

We be­lieve that for a soft­ware pro­ject to be suc­cess­ful, there are 3 key in­gre­di­ents. The right tech­nol­o­gy for the job, a high­ly skilled and mo­ti­vat­ed de­vel­op­ment team and close col­lab­o­ra­tion with the cus­tomer and the end users of the prod­uct.

Our spe­cial­ties are the de­vel­op­ment of web ap­pli­ca­tions and the in­te­gra­tion and cus­tomiza­tion of stan­dard soft­ware prod­ucts. We have many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in the pri­vate sec­tor to help us find and re­al­ize the best pos­si­ble so­lu­tions for our cus­tomers.

Our Team

Nico­las Seil­er

Nico­las Seil­er

Nico­las brings many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in­te­grat­ing com­plex soft­ware sys­tems and de­vel­op­ing in­ter­nal web ap­pli­ca­tions.
Michael Noser

Michael Noser

A pas­sion­ate tin­ker­er and our ex­pert in in­fra­struc­ture and net­work­ing. Michael is also a tal­ent­ed web de­vel­op­er.